Cost of Living Community Research Project  logoCost of Living Community Research Project


  • Recruitment of Community Researchers

    July 2023




    September 2023

    Haringey Council Officers spread the word about the project and inducted potential researchers.
  • Community Researcher training

    August 2023




    October 2023

    Officers delivered a bespoke training programme for Community Researchers, including sessions on research skills and ethics.
  • Design of interview questions and testing of research tools

    November 2023




    December 2023

    Community researchers and Haringey Council officers worked as a team to design the interview questions.
  • Fieldwork

    January 2024




    February 2024

    Community Researchers carried out interviews in their communities, recruiting interested participants.
  • Analysis of interview data

    February 2024




    March 2024

    Community Researchers and Haringey Council officers worked as a team to analyse the interview data.
  • Co-production of research outputs

    March 2024




    April 2024

    Community Researchers and Council officers worked together to design the research outputs (e.g. summaries, reports) and produce any recommendations.
  • Celebration event and report publication

    May 2024




    May 2024

    In May, Haringey Council hosted an event to celebrate the work of the community researchers and share research findings with senior Council officers, VCSE leaders, and Councillors.
  • Next steps...

    May 2024




    In Progress

    Haringey officers are working to share the research results internally (with other teams in the council) and externally (with VCSE organisations). Officers are also looking to evaluate the project, to understand what worked well and what could have been improved.